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Securly Web Filter


In order to access HTTPS sites, a Securly certificate will need to be installed on all Computers, iPads and Phones. Computers (Mac and PC) managed by SVLSD and district Chromebooks already have the certificates.

CLICK HERE to follow instructions to install Certificate


What is Securly?

Securly is a cloud-based web filtering solution for schools. The system protects students and staff while using Internet resources in accordance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

If I install the Securly certificate on my personal device, what will it do?

The Securly certificate is only used for some HTTPS: connections while on school networks. It is one of many certificates in your Trusted Authorities browser store.

The certificate does NOT do the filtering. Installing the certificate on a personal laptop or phone will not filter the device off school premises. On your phone, turn off WiFi if you don’t want to be filtered.

District-owned and managed Chromebooks are the only devices which will be filtered off school grounds.

Does Securly filter the Internet at home?

Securly, will filter SVLSD owned and managed Chromebooks at home. This includes Chromebooks assigned to students and staff.

District: (740) 643-2451 | HS: (740) 643-2371 | ES: (740) 643-0022

14778 State Route 141, Willow Wood, OH 45696


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